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作家相片: 曾氏職涯諮詢曾氏職涯諮詢

最近有則新聞說名校畢業竟然也遇到求職卡關! 求職難!台大碩士收10張無聲卡 曝科系網秒懂


補上一則主計處去年的青年失業率報導 - 青年失業率 比金融海嘯期高 20-24歲達12%



沒有關聯,主要是跟你分享找不到工作沒關係,因為也有一群人找不到 XD ( Relax )。 我相信多數新鮮人不需要另一篇心靈雞湯或正義魔人心得文來告訴我們「台灣是鬼島;快飛去國外」; 你需要的是 Useful Shit : 奴隸銀行(數字自已填)怎麼過濾求職者、企業雇主何如挑選候選人、產業市場人力需求比率、薪資等比資訊、個人職涯發展規劃,及最重要的 -->> 公司有沒有"帥哥/美女"。

最近幫很多牛逼大學及不怎麼牛逼大學準畢業生回答上述問題後, 心想直接把過往文章整理好分享,希望能幫助到任何看到此篇的大大~

Quiz 3. 產業市場人力需求比率、薪資等比資訊? 文組畢薪水如何從22K跳60K?

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Before submitting your resume onto whatever the site it is. Shall we make out if you have avoided 7 resume problems XD


Does summary as well as accomplishment statement begin with strong, varied action verbs?Is the content flow logical and easy to understand?Does your resume include relevant keywords to your past experience and desired position?Does the content include appropriate buzzwords, and industry acronyms relevant to your position?


Did you avoid writing the resume in an implied first-person voice with personal pronouns (I, me, my, our, we, etc)?Is the resume as perfect as possible, with no careless typos or spelling, grammar, or syntax errors?Does a resume provide a visually pleasing, polished presentation?Given your career level are the resume length and overall appearance appropriate?


Are all resume sections clearly named and formatted?Are sections placed in the chronological of functional order to highlight your strongest credentials?Does a resume highlight your skill set and core competencies?Is your work history listed in reverse chronological order (most recent job first)?


Is the resume targeted to a specific career goal, as opposed to a one-size-fits-all document?Is a career summary included so the reader immediately knows your value proposition?Do you highlight your professional goals and a reason why are you looking for a new job in a resume?If this is a resume for a career change, does it include supporting details that show how your past experience is relevant to the new job?

Accomplishments 📷

Does the resume include a solid listing of your career accomplishments?Are accomplishments quantified by using numbers, percentages, dollar amounts, or other concrete measures of success?Do accomplishment statements begin with strong, varied action verbs?Are your accomplishments separated from your responsibilities?

Relevance 📷

Is the information relevant to hiring managers' needs?Does resume content support your career summary?Did you include keywords, appropriate buzzwords, and industry acronyms?Is applicable, additional information (awards and affiliations) included, and is personal information unrelated to the job (marital status, age, nationality) omitted?

Contact Info 📷

Is the resume inviting to read, with clear sections and ample white space?Is there a good balance between text and white space?Are margins even on all sides?Is contact information included (email, phone, name, etc)

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作家相片: 曾氏職涯諮詢曾氏職涯諮詢

最近一位寫程式高手(同事)想升等,但需要考多益(350)才能升,問我該怎辨? 想利用這次機會好好來亂寫一下自已對英證的看法 (從台大求學時家教到企業工作看到的現象)~



Google一下多益二個字,博客來書店上應有盡有,就怕你沒錢買再一本多益990大補全 XD 「英文」這門學科養活了不知多少人現在!

談到養活多少人,就不得不提到「阿滴英文」!  阿滴英文|多益改新制後還能考滿分990嗎? feat. 考試心得與準備方針

PS: 當我看到這三個重點時,發現不就是學校老師、補習班老師、網路多益高手會講的嗎 XD

阿滴受到廣大的信眾喜愛(我也好想跟他們合作開發商品也/我還真的寄信給他特助(天呀他有特助,我連原子筆都要跟總務申請才有,還要等,幹。),理由只有一個 = 綜藝化(年青人專利)。

首先,我假設我們從小到大受的英文教育是拿來考試用的,請不要誤會這樣子的訓練為什麼不能應用在生活上。原因就是它是拿來考試用的+考試用的+考試用的。所以呢,像阿滴英文好這句話的意思到底是什麼? 是指他能讓一位多益只有一100多分的 RD同事爆氣考到350分,順利升等? 還是英文好是指能順利考過任何一種設計出來驗證該生應考的能力呢? 


當我用死/老/醜宅的觀點在看他的頻道時,我很喜歡他們輕鬆搞笑的方式介紹英文,但長時間下來不代表我一直看他們的影片,就能從中學習到考取多益990。但是,你能從中看到一個為什麼阿滴英文會受到這麼多人的愛載,它是有公式的 (沒錯,你沒看錯,你沒看錯,沒錯)。

假設: 1. 多數他的觀眾都是不喜歡英文或不知道怎麼解釋為什麼自已學不好英文; 2. 不喜歡學校設計的教材; 3. 不喜歡學習英文是透過考試的方式; 4. 沒有得到任何開心的感覺,在學習過程中。 5. 男生說-沒有滴妹/女生說-沒有阿滴 (就帥哥美女老師啦幹)。

推論: 1. 我們喜歡阿滴英文是先喜歡他這個人,而不是「英文」(它也可以是阿滴國文); 2. 我們喜歡阿滴表達如何學習英文的方式,而不是「教材」; 3. 我們喜歡阿滴讓英文學習是一件清鬆有趣的事情,而不是「考試」; 4. 我們看到阿滴很High,而不是「老師」; 5. 我們喜歡阿滴/滴妹,而不是「醜男/醜女」。

結論: 當你不喜歡英文時,讀啥都沒用; 當你不喜歡老師時,讀啥都沒用; 當你不喜歡考試時,讀啥都沒用。(不廢話嗎你,我知道呀,然後呢?)


延伸: 當你喜歡阿滴時,讀英文有勁; 當你喜歡阿滴時,考個試OK; 當你喜歡滴特時,你就會subscribe and buy whatever shit it presents to you. 希望有天我也能設計出這個平台出來(只限出社會者 XD)~

所以,當我要幫助同事前,我會問他: 1. 先了解你為啥討壓英文,再來設計相應的考試技巧會比較有用/ 2. 然後再告訴我你最看的下去的主題:     電動/漫畫之類的     先把你對英文的敵對性改為有趣性~ 3. 再設計相對應的英文準備技巧衝關。 這只是前置作業而已…

告訴我你的想法,看看這公式有沒有用 XD
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