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狂投履歷前的指南 101

最近有則新聞說名校畢業竟然也遇到求職卡關! 求職難!台大碩士收10張無聲卡 曝科系網秒懂 該大大表示:「最近面試了好多家公司都無聲卡,如果到時畢業了還找不到工作怎麼辦?各位大大有什麼建議嗎?」 補上一則主計處去年的青年失業率報導 - 青年失業率 比金融海嘯期高...


成功拉好友(是真的朋友 XD) 加入我們的 FB社團 (註明友人介紹即可), 即可獲得一份價值999NT的履歷分析套餐: 它跟其它坊間的履歷服務有什麼差別呢? 差別是三會?! 我們有AI啦 (光用講的就感覺很勵害了哈哈) 1. AI Analysis  2....

Apply a job you aren't qualified, How?

The perfect candidate isn’t always available Robert Half District President Richard Deosingh talked about the poll and how it highlighted...

The biggest mistake on resume is what?

This is the biggest mistake people make on their resume! Celeste Joy Diaz, the recruiting manager for university programs at Amazon, said...

Aceresume 2019 Resume Guide

Thanks for dropping by this information page. Now Aceresume provides resume helps, best practices and expert advice for how to write a...

Why you can't find a job

This may be why you can't find a job, even in a tight labor market It may be a job seeker’s market right now, but not everyone is finding...

Experts say how to update your resume

Experts share updates to your resume you need to make now Prepare yourself: the first month of 2019 is nearly over. How ya doin’ on those...

The biggest mistake with your resume

If there’s one trick to getting your resume right, it’s understanding that your resume is not about you. Sure, it’s made up of your...

3 things making your job-hunt easier

Whether you just graduated from college or you’ve been employed but need to change positions, you can do a few things to make the job...

Why a resume got tossed?

We all go like this when the times come to draft an English resume via 104, daydreaming a tool or a service that we can buy our way out...

Cracking Resume

Over the course of 2018, I have the opportunity to meet all walks of life asking me this question: Can you help me revise my resume so I...


去年的2017-08-24,寫了一篇人資如何找新人的短文叫「外商公司HR如何找人?」 壓根沒想到現在有十二萬人次點擊的光景,再次感謝所有曾點擊過的你。 慢慢地,我看到大學生、職場新人、出社會三年的都有的問題 (薪資低、工時長、不會包裝自已、升不上去、爛上司等等職場現象)。...


你也是不知道自已的哪些經驗能夠突顯優勢,才能在104中脫引而出的嗎? 這篇以行銷角度解釋為什麼"你"賣不出去。 本篇文章回答臉書社團讀者上述的問題 希望你會喜歡 :D 首先,一切都和人有關 讓企業內部的人資在人山人海中發現你,終究和人的感覺脫不了關係。我們雖然稱呼他們為面試...


有了各式各樣的經歷,在寫履歷時不知道哪些才能突顯自己的優勢,以及如何在眾人中脫引而出? 本周文章回答讀者上述的問題 希望你會喜歡 :D 首先,一切都和人有關 讓企業內部的人資在人山人海中發現你,終究和人的感覺脫不了關係。我們雖然稱呼他們為面試官,他們還是有喜怒哀樂、七情六慾...


歡迎來到真實世界社會成功路徑一 : 從台灣大學畢業。 拍完白爛學士服照,聽完畢業典禮台上的老人廢話,上傳美照至社群軟體配廢文,默默許下心願的我(格物致之,學以致之,)。 打開筆電,敲打著鍵盤登入人力銀行,內心揮之不去的念頭是要該如何踏出求職的第一步?...

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