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英文單字都背不起來? 煩死了FXXK

從小到大,我最討厭的就是背它媽的英文單字,煩屎了。 什麼「多益一千個必考單字」貴得要屎的教科書,買來打開第一頁就叫我背 "Abandon" (放棄)~ 教科書也放棄我是怎樣? 時間快轉步入職場,系統廠的專業單字多到跟韓粉一樣不可思議。但為了五斗米,腰要折多彎我都 OK...


最近一位寫程式高手(同事)想升等,但需要考多益(350)才能升,問我該怎辨? 想利用這次機會好好來亂寫一下自已對英證的看法 (從台大求學時家教到企業工作看到的現象)~ 在台北市,假設你是雙薪家庭出生的屁孩(打錯~~)小孩,不論你願不願意,你都要一路自願或被逼地學習(有錢的再...

The biggest mistake on resume is what?

This is the biggest mistake people make on their resume! Celeste Joy Diaz, the recruiting manager for university programs at Amazon, said...

Aceresume 2019 Resume Guide

Thanks for dropping by this information page. Now Aceresume provides resume helps, best practices and expert advice for how to write a...

Why you can't find a job

This may be why you can't find a job, even in a tight labor market It may be a job seeker’s market right now, but not everyone is finding...

Experts say how to update your resume

Experts share updates to your resume you need to make now Prepare yourself: the first month of 2019 is nearly over. How ya doin’ on those...

The biggest mistake with your resume

If there’s one trick to getting your resume right, it’s understanding that your resume is not about you. Sure, it’s made up of your...

3 things making your job-hunt easier

Whether you just graduated from college or you’ve been employed but need to change positions, you can do a few things to make the job...

Why a resume got tossed?

We all go like this when the times come to draft an English resume via 104, daydreaming a tool or a service that we can buy our way out...

Cracking Resume

Over the course of 2018, I have the opportunity to meet all walks of life asking me this question: Can you help me revise my resume so I...


英語面試的第一部分:你所表現出的"活力"才是拿下好印象的第一步。 *錯誤的開始* 首先,你會先去Google或Blink,下關鍵字搜尋:英文面試。 然後,你會點幾篇你看得順眼的文章,多是叫你先練一些基本題型,例如: So, tell me more about...


如何能夠更加精準的使用單字來「描寫一個行動」或「形容一件事情」? 一句完整英文句子要如何撰寫? ? 大家在寫英文報告或英文信件時,是不是常常遇到自已腦子裡的單字數量少到跟禿頭硬是要旁分的毛一樣Orz.... 下意識你就是把自已的中文硬轉成英文,然後就放上去不管了。看起來像是...

14 & 24 & 44歲英文救急手冊

你剛出社會嗎? 你上班要用到英文嗎? 然後你沒辨法從A唸到Z嗎? 每天全台有無數莘莘學子透過谷哥搜尋"快速提升英文",花了0.51秒就能抓到758,000項的結果。大家最愛的有VoiceTube,經理人月刊,大學生來了沒,商業周刊,The News Lens,Tutor...


台式英文最出名的,就是我們能夠像莎士比亞般自創單字組合及發揮靈感,讓二個最不可能組合在一起的單字,降臨在你英文報告或回答客戶的信件之中 Orz.... 你還在"People mountain people sea"嗎? 今天曾氏要推薦給大家的,是一款可以安裝在...


今天分享如何寫出看起來牛B指數破表的英文寫作(即便你連A背到Z都有問題) 希望你喜歡❤ 今天的文章不含任何不雅文字「Fuck you, Mother Fucker, Cock Sucker, Shit, Suck my dick,...


沒英文底子,如何在交作業及回Email的緊急時刻,寫出"好英文"? 除了每周文章外,今天跟大家分享的是"技巧篇" - 「如何渡過每一次使用英文的危機時刻。」 常有機會協助朋友及同事修改英文郵件、報告或簡短的訊息給國外廠商。但都是在我上大號、處理RD不爽和準備開被罵的會議之間...

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